Monday, March 31, 2014

The Best Thing I've Ever Put in My Mouth

Clotted cream is the most delicious food ever. In a world where we can get garlic from china and the food system is globalized I can not get clotted cream in Canada. Clotted cream is not made in nor imported into Canada. I am not allowed to bring it home from England. It is treachery that I can not buy this product in Canada and a dishonor to the Canadian dairy industry that we don't produce it domestically.

What is clotted cream? It is something between whipping cream and butter. It has a consistency that is whipped butter like and the flavor of a slightly sweet, slightly cooked whipping cream. It coats your mouth with a cool creamy sensation.

Most of all clotted cream is FAT! It must have a minimum fat content of 55%, but typically has is more like 65% fat. One serving provides 70% of your daily recommended fat intake. A 2006 UK study of a 120 food ranked clotted cream as the least healthiest. One heaping table spoon of clotted cream has roughly the same calorie count as a cheese burger.


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