Saturday, May 3, 2014

Getting to Know you: Seville

 We have been in Spain's Southern capital for three days now and have spent our time chilling out and getting familiar with the rhythm of the city.

Southern Spain is a creature that is both familiar and mysterious to westerners. We share so many of the same cultural norms and values, yet something different about the Spanish.

Seville as most of Spain takes a break in the middle of the day. Many of the shops, offices and construction sites shut down from for 2-5 hours in the afternoon. Some people retreat into their homes for a mid-day nap. Others flood into the small plazas. squares and the many local bars and restaurants for a second lunch and beer. Work is the resumed for a few hours in the late afternoon and early evening. In Seville it is easy to see there this tradition comes from. Its nice to retreat from the work in the afternoon heat. But, for a foreigner it can be a bit frustrating becoming familiar with the laid back attitude the Spanish people have fostered.
We have three weeks here and I know that we are going to love it.

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