Friday, May 9, 2014

Seville April Fair in May

Every year two weeks after Easter the Seville April Fair is held. This year, because Easter was so late, the Fair was moved back to May. The Fair consists of three thousand tents called casetas. The casetas are private clubs belonging to families, businesses or trade organizations.
a row of casetas
To get into a caseta you have to be a member or be invited in by a member. It was our good fortune that the family of our Spanish teacher here has a caseta and invited us to attend with him.
The April Fair is a week long party for the Sevillanos of drinking, eating and dancing. It is also another opportunity for the city's wealthiest people to show off with grand decorated carriages and fancy dress. 

The week of the Fair you can see women dressed up all over town wearing fancy dresses and flowers in their hair ready to go to the Fair.

Women in on the street in Seville, likely on their way to the Fair
scooter bike and Fancy dress on way to Fair
We were very lucky to have the opportunity to experience this unique bit of Seville culture.
Walking back from the Fair grounds in 33 degree heat we took part in another local tradition, cooling off in the fountains in Maria Lousia Park.

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