Saturday, May 17, 2014

Just another Saturday Night in Seville

An amazing evening tonight. We went out for a walk with no particular destination. After the first turn we ended up at Alfalfa Plaza. This is one of our favourite spot that we had visited earlier in the day for a playground/cafe con leche/churros visit. This evening it had turned into the site for a religious procession. Unbeknownst to us, it was Cruz de Mayo.

We sat and watched the people carrying staffs and religious floats, smelled the incense and listened to the marching band. It was so interesting to watch and the surprise of watching the parade already made my evening. But there was more.
"The Mushrooms" from street level
We walked up to "The Mushrooms." This plaza was built for Expo 92 and Sevillianos do not like it. We had previously walked around it and visited the playground, but tonight was the first time we notice that you could go up to the top of the structure. For 3 euros (free for Sevillianos but you can't buy their love) you could take the elevator to the top to walk around and get a free drink.

The top of the structure offered a great view of the city, particularly of the bridges and churches.

After a drink, we went down to street level to get Ilya some ice cream. There police were blocking the street for yet another procession. This one with more elaborate costumes, more marchers, more incense, a beautiful float of the virgin Mary (I think) and a full marching band complete with a wind section. It was fantastic.

We hurried home to visit the flamenco bar that is two doors down from our apartment. We caught the 9:30 show. The show is free except for drinks. Ilya and Jasper enjoyed the whole set, which meant we enjoyed it too.

I thought I was ready to leave, but this city is so full of activity, surprises, socializing, art and more...

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