Wednesday, April 30, 2014

One week in Copenhagen: dont forget to say please

Our week in the Danish capital has come to an end. Wow! did Copenhagen show us a good time. It was great fortune that the sun shown on us nearly the whole time revealing the beauty of the city.
Ilya and Mom at Copenhagen's Tower Playground
With its comfortable cycle tracks, diverse neighbourhoods, many parks, public drinking, innovative playgrounds and sparkling canals Copenhagen exceeded our expectations.
can you spot Kate in the bike parking?
Danes are a take charge, seize the opportunity and get it done people. Initially this was a little chilling for a couple overly apologetic Canadians. When we learned that the Danes do not have a word for please I gained a little more tolerance and understanding for some of general habits of Copenhageners.
Before our visit to Copenhagen our greatest fear was the cost. We had heard so much about how expensive Denmark and Copenhagen are.  Our experience was that as long as you don't eat out the city can be fordable to frugal visitors. Instead of eating out we mostly took our prepared food, and a beer, to the park just as many Copenhageners do.
Now we say goodbye to Copenhagen. We have arrived at another beautiful cycling city, Seville. 30 degree temperatures ancient streets and wonderful apartment have welcomed us. And, for all the cycling nerds, there will be a dedicated biking Copenhagen blog to come shortly.

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