Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Padstow and some f@#ker named Rick Stein

Yesterday we visited Padstow, a lovely little town on the Cornwall north coast. Originally a fishing village it is now primarily dependent on tourism. Nice little streets, small parcels and comfortable public spaces make you feel very comfortable. On a rainy, windy day in March the town was saturated with tourists. In August Padstow must be absolutely crazy with visitors.

For some reason some pompous wanker named Rick Stein has his name on half the buildings in the town. The Rick Stein sea food restaurant, bakery, fish and chips deli, hardware, public loo... Apparently he is a celebrity chief, never heard of him before. I might have been compelled to step into the bakery or deli if they all did not have this guys name on it. How bombastic does one have to be to saturate a little town with your name. Honestly, its worst than Starbucks in Vancouver.

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