Saturday, April 26, 2014

the sun always shines in Copenhagen

Copenhageners enjoy the sunshine at a waterside park.
I'm not sure it is true that Copenhagen is always sunny. Talking to residents of the city I get the impression that the forecast for the next week may be the best stretch of weather the City has every seen. We are going to enjoy it and the Danes are also outside soaking up the sun in late April.

On Saturday we went to visit a former coworker of Kates, Andres, and his family. It was great visit and gave Ilya another opportunity meet and play with some other kids. Ilya not speaking Danish and the other kids not speaking English seems to have little impact on their play.
We had a great lunch in the courtyard of their building where there were lots of other families and children enjoying the common space on this fabulously sunny day.

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