Friday, April 11, 2014

Tintagel (not so much) Castle

On Wednesday we visited Tintagel Castle. According to legend this was the birth place of the mythical King Arthur.There is not much castle there, but the site is spectacular and the site is extraordinary.

The first settlement was established on the site ~100 AD, but the ruins visible today were from the middle ages. The kids had a fun time running through remains of the middle age settlement and testing my nerves as they played meters away from the cliffs edge.
Walking along cliffs that drop dead into the sea and climbing steep steps that wined their way up sharp rock faces tested my fear of heights. My knees were weak, but I tightly gripped Ilya's hand for support.
 Kate, who luckily does not share my fear of heights, took Ilya and the two of them were able to be a little more adventurous without me.
 It made me feel better that I was not the only parent in our group with vertigo. Tony also gripped his daughter's had for a little security.
 The steps were steep and often uneven. In the morning they were slippery with dew.
 We visited Tintagel on a glorious Cornish sunny day. It would have been disappointing on a poor day as the site made the visit because the ruins were great disappointment.
If you let your imagination run a bit you could envision yourself walking up the steps along the edge of the cliff to the narrow castle entrance. 

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