Thursday, April 17, 2014

Riding the West Somerset Railway (SWR).

On our second day visiting the local railways we finally took the opportunity to ride the SWR. We have walked along the tracks, sat in the engines and took pictures of the picture takers, but we have put off riding these rails until our last week.

The SWR runs from 37km from Minehead to Bishop Lydeard. It was a branch line of the British Nation Railway until 1971. In 1976 it was re-opened as a heritage railway and currently carries over 200,00 passengers a year.
inside our lovely compartment.
The four of us(Kate, Ryan, Ilya, Jasper) purchased a one day rover pass which would allow us ride all day and jump on and off at any station. We started our journey at Bishop Lydeard, catching the first train out this morning. At Willington Station we were joined by Kate's family.

Private booths in the coaches let you ride in comfort and privacy. A canteen car is included in the train for passengers to enjoy a snack, coffee or beer. In addition to this you are able to bring on your own beer, wine or cider if desired.

Spectacular engines and gorgeous coaches have been wonderfully restored. Many volunteer hours have been given to the railway to make this the most successful heritage railway in the UK.

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